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Men's Ministry

Let my labor be the voice of my spirit as my spirit is from God.

 "For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God’s word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ." (2 Corinthians 2:17)

Our Mission

The mission of the Metropolitian AMEC Men’s Ministry; is to empower men to become soldiers of God, by equipping them with the Word of God, teaching them to take their rightful place as a leader in their home, in their church, and in their community.

To unify as one body (Psalms 133:1) to fellowship with one another, that we might build a trust between each brother, that embodies the mentality not only in the Men’s Ministry, but in every man that “I am my brother’s keeper.” To work together (1 Corinthians1:10) as one unit towards our goals and vision

To bring about a change in the community through outreach and in reach, by being visible to the community to show them that good men still exist. We want to change the mindset of the young men that all hope is not lost, that God can bring about change in their lives, just as He did in our lives, by sharing our testimonies and our experiences.



Is to edify every man young or old with the Word of God, so that it will lead them to a divine maturity in Jesus Christ. To build a foundation within every man that displays the (image of God) as the premise of our ministry and to build God’s Kingdom one man at a time.

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